Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pix from my Phone

This post is for Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot #115 Cell Phone Photos.
Photos taken with my Droid Incredible Phone

I parked by the cemetery on a rainy day,
I liked the way the world looked through the rainy windshield.

You may be able to see more clearly without the raindrops
but seeing through the raindrops is a pretty effect.
It is a different focus, another point of view.
It is good to consider and appreciate all points of view.

Friday, September 5, 2008

A Blessing for a Bouquet

This morning on my 2 mile walk I saw a blooming Sweet Peaby the side of the road.

I picked some of them for my mother in law Ida, it was in her wedding bouquet in 1940,
I thought it would bring her sweet memories.
I plucked a few Gerber daisies and some "Amish Weed" to add to it.
We call it that because we always see it on the
Amish farms but it is really called 'Snow on the Mountain'

We put it in a vase and set it on the table.
When I got out on the porch I heard her praying
"Dear Lord ,Bless Beth for the love she shows to her footsteps,strengthen her ..."
I said my own prayer thanking God for Ida ....
the woman who taught me how to pray.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Familiar Sounds

This old house
Old Farmhouse
has shutters on the windows.

On a windy night when the shutters bang against the wall
it sounds like a ghost is at the window.

Usually when someone hears it for the first time they are alarmed and ask
"What's that???!!!"

My husband, who has never lived anywhere else says
"That's the shutters tapping against the house in the wind ,
it is a sound I know and love from my childhood ."
He never ever heard his parents fight or yell at him,
the sounds of his childhood are like Opie's.

My house was very different ,
there were night's we were terrified

when my dad was in a rage but there was
one thing that I could ALWAYS count on to comfort me.
My bedroom window faced a creek all of my childhood years
and I could open my window at any time
and hear the
creek sounds of the current and bullfrogs.
They are sounds that I love.

I have a bedroom window now that faces the same creek
a few miles upstream and on summer nights when
I lay down to sleep,
I hear the creek,
the sound of it brings me rest long before the sleep does.

What familiar sounds bring you comfort ?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This evening we watched a huge flock of snow geese land in the field.They landed in a swhirling whirlpool that looked like a tornado and covered the whole field in white,then took off all at once.They are amazing to watch.We drove back the road with the twins(My 7 yr old Great niece and Nephew that come to the country from the city on the weekends) so that they could get a good view of the geese.On the way home we asked the twins what their best memory of the weekend was and they said"The Snow Geese".They are Smaller than the domestic goose. Pure white with black wing tips.The Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens) breeds on the artic tundra of far northern Canada.Almost as soon as the newborns can fly at the end of summer, the geese migrate south. Most geese will cross the Bering Sea and head for the northwest coast of the United States, before moving south to California and the Gulf of Mexico. It is a very common species and thousands may be seen in wintering flocks, high-flying, noisy flocks.
You see me as I pass high overhead
And you stand feet planted on firm ground,
My trumpets resonate in the cool autumn air,
And mortal men are entranced by the sound,
It lifts your spirit from coils of the earth
And just for a moment you can almost fly,
Stranger beneath me gazing in wonder,
So quickly the moment passes you by.
..Song of the Snow Goose by Sidney Johnson

I did not get good pictures of the Snow Geese but I found this on line,they are really nice pics if you want to see more.The Flight of the Snow Geese pictures from wildlife tos on webshots
Snow Goose Song a sound clip